Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt

I love my friend Thelma over at Life as Two.  You should too!  There's many reasons to love Thelma, but the reason of the day is that she's given me inspiration for a blog post...and...said inspiration may just ocurr on a weekly basis!

Thelma is hosting a weekly photo scavenger hunt.  The quest for this week?
1) Something new
2) A group of three
3) The best place to eat in town.

So, here are my submissions.

1)  Something new - can you guess what it is?

2) A group of three

3) The best place to eat in town...at least so far.  We haven't tried all the restaurants in town yet - there are quite a few even in our small town - but this one has achieved multiple-visit status.

Here's another picture of #1, in case you are really wondering what it is...a new dehumidifier.  Works marvelously well.  It can fill its water bucket in about 10 hours.  The previous dehumidifier took about a week to fill the water bucket, and the  buckets are about the same size.  Our basement is much happier.  Or maybe I'm much happier.  Or both.  Whatever!

So, I will be linking up with the inaugural Photo Scavenger Hunt here.  If you want to play along this week, you have about 24 hours left to do so.  Or you can join in the fun next week!

1 comment:

Rich and Cher said...

My guess was a humidifier, since the front grill part looks the same as the one we have in Yvetta's room to keep the room from getting too dry (for her eczema). Fun - I like the idea!