Thursday, September 22, 2011

Labour Day

I just found this post in my drafts...I'm not sure why it didn't get published earlier in the month, but here it is anyways.

On the holiday Monday we went for a walk with the D. family.  The weather was not very warm, especially compared to Saturday, but it was dry, and we all had fun.  It had been a long time since we had done something like this with my family.  It is too bad Lisa couldn't come!

There were a number of swans swimming in the lake, and we saw one at the edge of the path.  Clearly it had been fed before and it came up to us - Alex got very close to it and was almost attacked when he didn't give it any food!

Alex had a lot of fun - he barely stopped for an instant - except for a 3 second "sleep" on every park bench we encountered.  And a brief rest on the ground, although I think that was more of a collapse after attempting to hop like a frog, complete with many "ribbits".

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