Monday, April 19, 2010

My Favourite Things: Monday

Thelma over at Life as Two is hosting a new series called "My Favourite Things: Monday" - I think this is going to be great fun!

Today we are posting about a favourite kitchen item, and the item I have chosen is not lovely at all, compared to Thelma's pottery, but this practical item is one of my favourites, and I use it so very very often.

I present.....a cookie sheet! :)

This cookie sheet is nearly square (14" x 16"), and that, in conjunction with the fact that it is an airbake cookie sheet, provides ample reason for me to use it time and time again.  It is particularly handy for rolling out two packages of cresent rolls when making veggie pizza, it also fits 4 pitas on it very nicely, when I make pizza-pitas, and when making cookies you can fit 20 - 25 cookies on at a time.

That is today's Favourite Things: Monday post - hop on over to Thelma's blog to join the fun!

1 comment:

Thelma said...

Awesome! I now have cookie-sheet envy... mine are older than I am. Yours is so shiny! Thanks for playing, Karen! :)