Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bed coat

I spent a Saturday morning with Koen in his shop getting this coating done on the metal of the truck bed. After some sanding, and using plastic and tape to cover all the non-coat areas, I unfortunately realized that I forgot my camara for snapping up the process. But with it all nicely done, it looks and even feels more cool than I thought. A big ThankYou goes to Koen for this, and for fixing my passenger door latch as well. He even banged out the dents in the wheel wells for me, so that the bed looks brand new.

The best thing of all, I made it home and got it out of the sun and rain in the garage for it's 24 hour plus curing just one hour before is started snowing (Saturday was April 17!) at our place! It was spitting on the way home, so I was taking one sideroad over another to avoid the spitting raindrops further south of our place. It wasn't bad at that time. But when I saw it had started snowing from inside the house an hour after arriving home, it was a little freaky and relieving. It was good thing I hadn't waiting an hour longer to get it into the  garage.

Having this done also is good because it needed to be cured before the move to the new place.

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