Friday, April 16, 2010

Gratitude Friday

On Tuesday, Mark and Rachael were blessed with the arrival of Lucas Jonah!

He is certainly looking like his grandfather during these first few days of his life!  We had the opportunity to visit last night...he is a tiny little fellow, but Mark was right when he said his lungs were functioning just fine!
Mark & Rachael, we are thankful that Lucas is safely here, and rejoice with you in the birth of your son.  May God continue to bless you richly!


On a completely different note, I'm also very thankful this week for this little critter:

Sunday morning she ate part of an Easter Lily leaf, which I knew was not good for cats, so I called the vet.   However, Easter Lilies are far worse for cats than I was aware, as I learned that she was likely to suffer kidney failure within days, if untreated.  I was able to get her to the vet within hours, and she spent 48+ hours in the kitty-hospital.  She is glad to be home, and each day acting more like her normal self.  On Thursday, I took her in to the vet again for a final blood test, and the results came back showing that her kidneys are functioning fine.  I know she is just a cat, but, well, I like this animal :) and I'm glad that she is healthy!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I am glad that Kitty is feeling better! Btw, apparently no pointsettias, either?