I've had this post in progress in my mind for a few days now and then when Friday came, I forgot to find time to post!
It is an "F" theme today...
1) Forgiveness - I am so thankful for forgiveness...there are times when I look back on a day and realize an apology is much in order...and to have such an apology received is a load off your shoulders. Then to consider the forgiveness we have from our heavenly Father in Jesus Christ - how much the forgiveness forgives, how freely it is offered, and how frequently the forgiveness needs to be given! Thanks be to God for the great gift of his Son and the forgiveness in Him!
2) Friends - God has blessed Rob and I with some wonderful friends and we had the opportunity to join Anthony & Christine this week as they celebrated their "80th" birthday, as they are each turning 40 in the next week or so. It was a thoroughly enjoyed evening with some of the friends God has put in our lives.
3) Family - It is moving weekend for Rob's parents, and while we're sad to see them move further away from us, we're thankful they have the opportunity to do this, to be nearer Aunt Cora, and we're thankful that they are really not moving THAT far away.
4) Food - a much lighter note here, but it fits my "F" theme today :) I made a batch of "Incredible Edibles" (basically homemade Reese's Pieces) yesterday...are those things ever good! I seriously do eat a row at a time! On a food-related note, we've had at least two of our bean plants finally sprout in our tiny backyard garden!
my beans are growing healthy and strong!! i need miracle grow or something because i want them now, they would have gone nicely in the salad i made for dinner!!
yum - can i have the recipe?
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