Friday, June 5, 2009

Gratitude Friday

I read a number of blogs, and a couple authors have weekly posts of thanks. Such as "Thankful Thursday" or "Gratitude Friday". The things they are thankful for are everyday things, not just big things or events that happen in their lives. I think this is a great idea - many of us, including me, are so guilty of not being thankful for the many, many, many gifts, blessings, and joys that God gives us each and every day.

I am hoping to make Gratitude Friday posts, although I am not committing to having one each week. Part of me is loathe to make any such post, for this reason: Am I really thankful? Or, under the covers, am I just acting like I am thankful, so that others will think well of me? The pride that lives in this heart of mine! Yet, I think I need to sit down somewhat regularly and think of things I am thankful for, and then actively give thanks to God for these gifts.

So, what am I thankful for this week?

1) My husband, in particular, how easy he makes it for me to put a meal on the table each night. Nearly every meal is his "favourite", which makes cooking a joy. And when I "cancelled supper" earlier this week "due to lack of interest" (in cooking), there was no complaints, just the suggestion that we simply have grilled cheese. Thank you Robert dear!

2) My new $5 pair of oh-so-comfortable pair of shorts.

3) Our backyard...we planted our mini-vegetable garden on Thursday, and I'm looking forward to watching this little area of God's creation sprout and grow.

4) A trip to Toronto on Saturday with friends for a small expedition...perhaps more on that next week!

What are you thankful for this week?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

those shorts must be pretty awesome to make the thankful list! hopefully mine fit ;-)