Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It has been a tradition in our family for many years to go bowling on New Year's Day.  I don't know the exact origins of this tradition, but I remember going bowling as a kid, with my Mom's family - all my cousins and aunts and uncles.  Often we would go out for supper afterwards, and in later years, back to Oma's for pizza.  However, as the family grew, this tradition changed, and in the last few years it has just been Rob and I with my parents and siblings..  Although we did meet some of our cousins at the bowling alley last year or the year before!

This year, New Years Day was on Sunday, so we didn't go bowling.  Lisa and Jon departed for points west early yesterday morning, so we couldn't go yesterday either.  Or at least, not with them.  So Arian organized a bowling expedition for last Thursday afternoon, although our whole family still wasn't there.  It was Arian & Karin with the kids, Lisa & Jon, and myself.  Turns out that Thursday afternoons are glow in the dark bowling.  It was fun!

My oh-so-cool shoes!  :)

Esther seemed to enjoy the trip to the bowling alley too!

After every ball that Alex threw, he would stand there with his hands on his head, watching the ball.  Unless it was a gutter ball, then he'd just forget about it.

No pictures of the scoreboard, but that is just as well - most of us are not very good bowlers.  Arian was the champion for the day!

1 comment:

Bill said...

Oh, mom & I missed out this time. Probably the first time since the tradition began!