Friday, January 28, 2011

Gratitude Friday

I've been in a bit of a funk of late, and this poor blog has been quite the victim of that.  However, I thought, what a better way to try to step out of a funk than to focus on thankfulness?  So, I hope to resurrect the Gratitude Friday posts with some higher degree of frequency.

For this week, I am just so thankful for our Ladies Bible Study.  What a blessed time of fellowship, sharing and encouragement we had this past Tuesday.  We are studying 'Lies Women Believe' by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  For me, this week, it perhaps wasn't even so much the topic at hand, but simply the 'communion of the saints', as we shared, marvelling in God's goodness, amazing grace, in saving sinners like us.

As an aside, I am very much enjoying the study of this book, and it truly has been a blessing to me this season.

What are you thankful for this week?

1 comment:

Rich and Cher said...

I'm thankful that you guys have plans to visit us this summer - hurray! And so thankful for the work-related surprises you guys had recently. That's a real encouragement, eh? I'm also thankful for the body of Christ which extends worldwide and gives a family feeling b/c of that strong bond we have in the Lord!