Saturday, December 11, 2010

Psalm 61

Hear my cry, O God;
Attend to my prayer.
From the end of the earth I will cry to You,
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalm 61:1-2
The Psalms are beautiful.  They give us words to praise God,  they give us words of comfort.  One thing I really like about these two verses is they are a cry for help, and comfort, without reference to enemies (although that is later in the Psalm).  David penned many of the psalms and he had many enemies.  Earthly enemies, that is.  I don't have earthly enemies, and sometimes I struggle to see how parts of some psalms relate to me.  But I do have spiritual enemies, and David did too, and that does make the psalms applicable.  Very likely I need to give more credit to spiritual enemies, and have more awareness about them. 
However, these two verses do not refer to enemies, but simply an "overwhelmed heart", which we can have for lots of different reasons.   And in times like that, there is a Rock, who is the Triune God.  He is unmoveable, unshakeable, not surprised, in full control, sovereign, loving, and only does good. 
So I will sing praise to Your name forever,
That I may daily perform my vows.
Psalm 61:8

1 comment:

Thelma said...

'Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.' Awesome...
Thanks for posting this!