Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Weekend That Was

Rob and I have had a very busy, long but very enjoyable weekend!

It all started on Thursday evening, when we went to Mom and Dad's to see Lisa - who had just arrived from Vancouver!  She was in Ontario over a six day period, and I saw her 5 of those 6 days.

Friday was actually a quiet day, Rob and I were home for the evening.  Our Friday's have been pretty busy of late, so it was really nice to have a quiet evening at home.

Saturday was Adrian and Heather's wedding.  Congratulations, Adrian & Heather!  Marriage is a gift from God, we thank Him and praise Him for bringing you together. We pray that you will have much joy in your life together, under God's blessing hand.

Sunday was Mom's birthday so after our evening service we went to visit Mom and Dad again.  This time, not only was Lisa there, but also Arian & Karin, Alex & Erik and Oma and Aunt Marina.  While the camera did attend that party, the pictures were very few in number and did not turn out well, I'm afraid.

Finally, on Monday night we concluded our festivities with dinner out at Tucker's Marketplace.  This was to celebrate several things.  Mom's birthday, Lisa being around for the weekend, and rather belatedly, a family dinner for Mom & Dad's 35th wedding anniversary, which they celebrated in May.  Several of us ate too much....I do love going to that restaurant!  Arian & Karin had secured the services of a baby-sitter for Thing One and Thing Two, so eight of us dined in style as Lisa Jane joined the fun.  Glad you could come Lisa Jane!

Rob and I:

Mom & Dad:

Lisa Marie and Lisa Jane:

Me and my sister!

Karin & Arian:

Now, as I write this, Lisa is on an airplane some 40000 feet above earth, travelling at 470 mph, (thank you Flytecomm) heading backing to Vancouver. :(  However, she has already booked her flights for a trip back to Ontario at Christmas!)

And now, to finish off this post, a couple recent pictures of my adorable nephews.  (Photo credits to Karin for the picture of Erik and Joni for the picture of Alex).  Without further ado, Alex (Thing One) and Erik (Thing Two)!

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