Friday, October 1, 2010

Gratitude Friday

It has been a long long time since I've written a Gratitude Friday post - shame on me!

I have several areas of thanksgiving to share with you all this week though.

1) Last Friday Oma celebrated her 95th birthday.  Yes, 95th.  It is hard to imagine living that long - Oma is almost 3 times my age!  I'm so thankful for the years that God has blessed Oma with, and the health, strength and joy in life that she continues to enjoy.  Oma's children, and most of her grand-children and great-grandchildren visited her on Friday night, to celebrate this milestone with her.  It is my prayer that our dear heavenly Father will continue to sustain Oma through the days He has yet appointed for her, until He calls her to her eternal home.  We love you Oma!

Here's a picture from the party last week.  It is my great-aunt Grace sitting beside Oma, she just celebrated her 90th birthday a few days before Oma's birthday!

2) This week I was working at my other part-time job, at Andrew & Karen's, and around 4:00 Karen said "time to get back to my supper" which set me to pondering about what I would make for supper that night. I often tend to do such ponderings aloud, which gave Andrew the idea to see if his wife had prepared extra, and could she send some home with me. Karen had plenty, so Rob and I enjoyed a delicious supper - turkey, potatoes, vegetables, with absolutely no effort on my part! THANK YOU to Andrew and Karen for your kindness! We felt so very spoiled. Interestingly, we had originally had plans to visit others that same evening, for dinner, but those plans had to be postponed. So I still didn't have to make a meal that night!  There was also lots of turkey leftovers, so we had another yummy meal of hot turkey sandwiches last night.

3) This past Tuesday, the Lord called my Uncle Bob home to glory. While death is always hard, and a solemn reminder to us all, we can have great thankfulness that in the last number of years Uncle Bob could testify of God's faithfulness to him, and a knowledge of His saving grace. It was only a few years ago that Uncle Bob was baptized, having not received that precious sign and seal of the covenant as a child. We pray for Aunt Corrie and the rest of the family, that God will be their comfort, and we give thanks that Uncle Bob's sufferings are over, and he is now giving thanks to his Saviour.

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