Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Local Fair

In the new town where we live, there is a country fair held on Labour Day weekend, complete with a Demolition Derby! I love demolition derbies, and Rob can at least tolerate them, so off we went!

The problem with fairs these days is you have to pay a small fortune in admission, so we resolved not to spend anything once we were in. We came home smelling like a greasy french fry, but having brown-bagged our supper, stayed true to our resolution. :)

We arrived late afternoon on Monday, in time to catch a few shows, with plenty of time to claim a seat in the grandstands before the demolition derby began.

The first show we watched was called the "World Renowned Flying Fools High Dive Act".  It started with 4 people doing some neat dives.  Then they put on some of those wacky old-fashioned swimsuits and joked around for a while, but still did some neat dives/tricks.  Lastly, one of the divers did the truly-crazy, and dove from a platform 80ft up into a pool only 10ft deep!

It was a fun show to watch - Rob might have liked it better than the demolition derby!

After that we watched a show on reptiles, saw some iguanas, snakes and other reptiles.   We also learned that all snakes are not snakes - there are snake-like creatures that are not snakes, but rather "legless lizards".  Snakes do not have ears, legless lizards do, and snakes do not have eye lids, which legless lizards do.

Finally, it was time for the demolition derby!  First there was a contest for the best decorated demolition derby car.  This car won:

And this is what it looked like half an hour later:

The first heat was called a "mini demolition derby" and was for small cars.  It was the first time I'd watched front-wheel-drive cars play smash-up derby - fun!

The last two heats were for the larger cars.  The first for "straight stock" cars; cars that were not enhanced/modified/reinforced in any fashion, save for the required safety modifications.  The final heat was for cars which had been modified in hopes of prolonging their life in the demolition derby ring.

I'm not sure why I love demolition derbies so much - must be my destructive streak. :)  I don't have any real desire to participate in a demolition derby ("Well, I sure hope not!" says Rob), but I sure love to watch them!

Here's the resulting carnage from all the heats:

I'm also excited already for next June - there's going to a be a demolition derby weekend at the fair grounds!  This event was held this year too, but we didn't make it out, being elbow deep in paint at the time.  So hopefully next year!  If you want to come with us, let me know and I'll send you the details when I start seeing signs around town next spring!

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