Monday, July 12, 2010

My Favourite Things: Monday

Today's theme for My Favourite Things: Monday is heirlooms, and I have just the thing.  When Oma moved out of her apartment a year or two ago, she had to downsize significantly, and her children and grandchildren had the opportunity to receive some of her things.  We could even go pick out the items we would like to have.  It was really neat to do this while Oma is still with us, so we could share with her what we have, and thank her for what we have.  One of the items I received was a needlepoint that Oma did.  Mom just told me last week that she had actually purchased this needlepoint for Oma, and that it ended up being a fair bit of trouble to do, as there were some yarns missing, so Oma had to go out to find them.

Anyways, when I got the needlepoint it was not framed, and this has now been done.  Much thanks goes to cousin Ida, who did the stretching and framing.  We visited with John & Ida back in the fall, and I asked her if she could do the stretching for me, which she kindly agreed to.  A month or two ago, Ida and I met at a framing shop to pick out a frame and matting.  Last week, we visited with John & Ida again, and I took home the finished product!

I think it looks just awesome, and I'm so thankful to have it, a wonderful heirloom from my grandmother, especially something that she made.  Thankfully Oma is still with us, so Rob and I will try to visit her soon, so I can show her the framed needlepoint.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

heehee my heirloom from oma is much less classy - the retro 80's handtowel in my bathroom lol. so much awesome.

but i guess the point is that i still think of her when i use it, right?
