Friday, April 9, 2010

Gratitude Friday

Well, it has been a great while since I've had a Gratitude Friday post...this is not to say that there has not been much to be thankful for - indeed there was and is - there really is no end to the things we can and should be thankful for!

Anyways, today I'm thankful for the warmer weather we've been having, and the rain has been working to turn everything green again - spring is my favourite time of year!  The tulips have long sprouted, although only a few survived the summer (or the squirrels?), so the "tulip plot" looks a mite to come when they are blooming.

Tomorrow Rob and I are going to visit our new house again, and I'm quite excited...everything went so fast on February 27, so there's things about the house that I can't remember, and I would like to see it again.  We're also hoping to measure some of the rooms, take pictures, etc, so we can plan where to put some of our furniture and other belongings once we move.

Tonight we are having some friends over for dinner, a night of fun and fellowship. Thanks be to God for the gift of friendship!

Have a great Friday y'all!

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