Monday, December 7, 2009

100th Post - A Giveaway!

UPDATED:  Comments are now closed.  Check back in a few days to see who will soon have a new book to read and add to their bookshelves...

This post marks my 100th blog post!  The first blog post was in 2006, and that was the only post in 2006.  2007 saw 17 posts, 30 in 2009, and now 52 so far in 2009.  Quite the precedent I'm setting for myself, eh?

Rob and I thought it would be great fun to have a giveaway to celebrate this 100th post!

Leave a comment on this post for an opportunity to win one of the four books listed below.  If you prefer not to leave a comment, you may send an email to miraclesofgrace at, and your name will be added to the list.  The deadline to enter is December 21, 2009.  Sometime that day I will shutdown comments on this post, and once we have an opportunity to select the winner, it will be announced on the blog.

Rob and I will put all the names in a hat, and select one and the winner can choose which book they would like to have! 

The winner will have the choice of one of the following four books.  We'll get the book from ReformedBookServices, and each link below links to the book on that website, which will provide a little more information about the book.

1) "What's so Great about the Doctrines of Grace" by Richard D. Phillips.  We studied this book at our summer Bible Study this past summer - and thoroughly enjoyed this little book.  It has an introductory chapter, and then a chapter for each of the 5 points of Calvinism - a great refresher of the doctrines we learned back in highschool and catechism!

2) ) "Little Children's Progress" by Helen L. Taylor.   This is an adapted version of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, but the characters are children instead of adults.  I loved this book when I was a kid.

3) "Uprooting Anger" by Robert D. Jones.  I have not actually read this book, but I have heard it recommended by several people, and it is on my "to read" list.

4) "Humility" by C. J. Mahaney.  I have not read this book either, but I've perused it.  It looks like an easy read, although likely much to take to heart!  Other books by this author have been recommended to me, so this book and others by him are on my "to read" list too.

So, comment away!   As this blog is anything but famous, it doesn't get very many hits, but we have a lot of fun with it regardless, and we appreciate the readers we have...and certainly the ones we know about! :)


Theresa said...

Hi Karen - how fun to be at 100 posts! I love reading what you're up to and hearing your fun stories! I also have loved your gratitude Fridays - makes me stop to think what I'm thankful for!
Hope you are doing well!
God bless,
Theresa =)

Jonathan and Denise said...

Fun idea Karen! I'm glad you enjoy blogging, b/c we enjoy your blogging. It makes the time between seeing eachother for visits seem much shorter b/c we can keep up with eachothers going ons! So keep it up. I'll keep reading:)

Marlies said...

Congratulations on 100 posts Karen! I also enjoy reading your blog, and keeping up with your life a little bit. Now if only I could get my blog up and running!

Steve and Jo said...

We are also glad to be able to keep up with you on your blog! I love this quick and easy way to see what is going on in your lives...Hope you are having a great week!

Rich and Cher said...

Neat idea - all the books sound terrific - I'm always a sucker for a good book, as I know you are, too! I also like your other blog - I was hoping you'd put up the card you did for Mom's 60th since I didn't get a look at it at the party. See you soon!

Thelma said...

Your first giveaway! How fun!

Rob said...

I like books...