Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend Review

Rob and I had really enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend in S.  It was great to get away for a few days, and spend time with family and friends.  Then we came back to this week, which suddenly became insanely busy, especially this weekend.  We're looking forward to company on Friday evening, a wedding on Saturday, Sunday worship in our own church again, Rob's parents sleeping over Saturday evening, joining us for lunch, and my Mom's birthday is Saturday, so we hope to visit there sometime this weekend too.  Thrown in there was our church hosting Mision da Vida this Sunday, where Rob and I were also planning to help, but thankfully many others had also volunteered, so our services aren't needed this time.   It is going to be a busy, but fun weekend!

So, it is good that we did have an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend!  We drove to S. on Friday night, and were warmly welcomed by Rob's parents pie & ice cream - the first of too much food. 

Rob's parents have this large cactus.  The story is that it nearly died on the move to S. due to being squished in the car for the trip, so they put it outside for the summer to see what would happen.  It thrived and then some!

However, it is shedding its needles, and a few landed on the floor and one of them got stuck in Rob's foot.  Amusing at first, it took some doing to get it out, but thankfully it did come out without too much trouble in the end.  And I think Rob's foot is now fully healed :)

But look at the size of those needles!

Rob is glad it went in his foot instead of Karen's or Mom's.

Saturday morning we enjoyed a visit with the V. family, and then our turkey dinner was Saturday night, with Rich & Cher and kids.  At one point on Saturday night, Yvetta picked up our camera, and as I didn't really want her to have it, I asked her to bring it to me.  She willingly accomodated, and then stood there as if I should take her I did!  A pretty little girl she is!

Sunday evening we visited Jason & Renee, where Rob and Renee had a great time with Renee's violins and Rob's viola.

Yes, back in June, Rob bought a viola - remember the trip to Toronto I referred to in this post? Now he's learning to play, and making good progress.  He is taking regular lessons and really enjoying it!  It was neat to hear him and Renee play together, and Rob picked up a couple tips from Renee too!

The Mindy-Kitty thinks the viola is a great came with this nice velvet-lined case that is just right for sleeping in!

And, just because I think it has been a long time since I posted a picture of Alex, here's one - I love how he always welcomes me (and anyone he sees) with a huge smile!  Unfortunately, those big smiles are hard to capture on the camera...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

ahaha i love mindy in the viola case. so cute.

and, of course the needle went into rob's foot, not yours or his mom's - don't you remember the rules of pins in the carpet from back in the old house?? always into dad's foot without fail lol.