Tuesday, August 18, 2009


What is wrong with this picture?

Well, remember this picture?

I went out to the garden yesterday morning to pick our one ripe tomato and it was gone! And no, Rob hadn't picked it :) A furry four-footed creature of some size and shape seems to have decided that our garden is there for his benefit! Not happy.

However, I also saw this yesterday morning:

That made me happy!

Have a good day y'all! :)


Lisa said...

argh!!!!!!! rabbit, rabbit, go away, please come back another day!

Lisa said...

ps: your flower picture is bee-yoo-ti-ful!

Lisa said...

pps: i ate some peas from our garden at work today!!!

Jonathan and Denise said...

With a title like that, I thought for sure Rob was the culprit!