Friday, August 21, 2009

Gratitude Friday

On a light note today....

Our internet is back! It was down last night, presumably due to the weather - and although I probably spend more time online than I should, I certainly have plenty to do without it, yet I felt somewhat cut off from the world last night. Rob called the support line, and a technician is still scheduled to come out tomorrow, but everything was up and running again as of this morning.

It also seems that I'm making some headway in "training" my work laptop. :) On Monday, it presented me with the 'blue screen of death' at 4:28 pm. Perfect! I went home. (I do normally go home at 4:30). However, my computer neglected to repeat the feat on Wednesday and Thursday, and I ended up staying late both those days.

Hope y'all had a wonderful Friday!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

haha! boy, imagine if i could have gone home whenever the computer crashed back in the day when i worked at sears - i would have had 5 minute shifts every day!