Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What Could Be Worse Than Only Fence Posts?

A single panel, that's what!

Our fence saga continues, indeed it does! You may recall from last summer, when we agreed to partner with our neighbour, Garnet, to have a fence built. I posted in July and August about the progress (or lack thereof) of the construction of our fence. The fence posts were put in on July 4, 2008. That is 299 days ago, or 9 months and 25 days ago! And the fence is still not finished!

Through the fall and winter, we continued to "admire" the fence posts, while making plans to dialogue with Garnet in the spring about building the fence ourselves - Rob and his dad would finish the fence, regardless of how much money Garnet was at risk to lose.

A few weeks ago we spoke with our neighbour, to inquire about the status of the fence. Garnet informed us that we were "first on the list" and "as soon as he got outside" the guy would come build then fence. After explaining that we hoped to build the fence ourselves, Garnet asked if we could wait until the first of May. We agreed to do so. Last Saturday I spoke to Garnet again, and explained that we were planning to finish the fence on May 9. (We would do it May 2 but that day doesn't work out). Garnet said that was fine, but the fence guy was supposed to come on Wednesday (today, April 30). Well, we've heard that line before, and really didn't expect him to show up.

Imagine our surprise when he did actually show up today! Only we're now in a worse situation than ever! Because all he did was build a single panel! (On our side, he did a single panel on the other side of our neighbour's property too).

Granted, this single panel appears to be well-constructed...but the view into the neighbouring back yard still leaves somewhat to be desired! (We won't talk about our backyard just yet...that is another post in the making...once the fence is complete, of course! :))

It is definitely a more touchy issue for us to finish the fence now, and we'd have to pay more attention to making everything match. Rob spoke with Garnet's father today (Garnet Sr. is also our neighbour, but he's not the individual co-ordinating the fence (or its lack thereof)) and Garnet Sr. assured Rob the fence will be finished tomorrow. Um. Yeah. Maybe. This fence building experience has reinforced my belief that some things need to be seen to be believed...this is one of them.

And the forecast is calling for rain tomorrow!


Rich and Cher said...

ha,ha,ha - oh, Karen, I hope it's okay to laugh b/c that's awfully funny! Keep us up to date - I'm loving this story :) Not that I don't wish your fence finished - I do! But since it's all happening there and you can't do much about it, we all might as well......well...enjoy it ;)

Lisa said...

hahaha!! awesome. you're funny. one panel of fence must be good for SOMETHING. it blocks your view of garnet's yard a bit? lol