Monday, April 13, 2009

A Well-Decorated Box of Puffs

About two weeks ago, I came down with a bad cold, and I've been using a lot of tissues. At work our office-mom keeps Puffs as the regular stock, but here at home I normally have Scotties. Rob suggested a few times that I buy some Puff's as my nose has been suffering, but I didn't want to as I kept thinking I would be better "tomorrow". Finally, on Saturday (about a week and a half into my cold) I broke down and went and bought some. (As a side note, going to the grocery store on the Saturday before Easter Sunday at about noon is NOT a good plan - horrifically busy!). Then on Saturday night I visited my parents, Puffs box in tow. Apparently I was being rather possessive about my Puffs box, or else Lisa's creative genius had a sudden surge, as I brought it home looking like this:

The Puff's are well worth the money at the rate I was going through them - I emptied the box with Lisa's artwork in about 24 hours! Thankfully the second box is lasting me a little longer. It, incidentally, thanks to Lisa again, is also similarly decorated, as Rob and I were at my parent's again last night, me again with a Puffs box in tow.

Last Wednesday morning I woke up feeling punched it the face, which is how I feel when my sinuses are sore. Today I went to the clinic, as my self-diagnosis was sinusitis or a sinus infection of some sort. The doctor confirmed sinusitis, and I now have an assortment of medications to speed me on the road to recovery.

However, don't feel too sorry for me - my little nephew Alex not only has sinusitis but also an ear infection. But he's on antibiotics as well and hopefully in a few days both Alex and his Aunt Karen will be feeling well again! I'm certainly looking forward to that!


Lisa said...

get well soon my dear!! and any time you need your kleenex boxes personalized i will be happy to oblige!!

Jonathan and Denise said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!! I like your sisters sense of humour:)