Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Garnet's Sunflower

Last week one day I noticed a sunflower growing in the back yard, right where the fence should be. (Yes, should be. We are still quite deficient in the fence department). I had planned to take a picture of it once the flower fully opened. Then, on Saturday or Sunday it fell over with all the wind and rain we had. So I cut it and brought it in. Isn't it pretty?

Quite a bit prettier than the picture would have been surrounded by all of our neighbour Garnet's weeds!
On a side note, I am still trying to contact the fence guy. I did leave him in peace for about 2 weeks, and now I've been trying again to call him. I have not gotten through to him yet, so I don't have a new litany of excuses to share!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

soon it will be time to ask him to build you a snow fence!