Monday, June 30, 2008


Rob and I are long overdue for new pictures of ourselves, so we asked Lisa to take some new pictures of us. Here's the best ones, in no particular order. We will be printing some to give to family & friends too.

Which one is your favourite?






Thank you Lisa!


Lisa said...

#10!! but don't forget dad needs a horizontal 4x6 for his frame :)

Rich and Cher said...

I like #14 and #10 - fun! Just in time to put into our "Rob & Karen frame" for our new house :)

Steve and Jo said...

It was great to get on your blog again after all this time! I enjoyed looking through all your pictures. I also like numbers 14 and 10. Those are really nice pictures of you guys.

Jonathan and Denise said...

I think our fridge would love to have a #1o put up on it! (hope we are allowed to put in an order:))