Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Spaghetti Day

Give thanks to God for He is good!  In His goodness, our garden produced an abundance of tomatoes this year.  We had four plants, two romas, one round slicer plant and one cherry tomato plant.  The two roma plants produced abundantly, and I was able to put many many tomatoes into the freezer.

This many.  (Actually, one or two bags were from other sources).

About two weeks ago I had a day with nothing scheduled so I deemed it to be 'Spaghetti Day'.  I started with a neat and tidy kitchen.  And the 13 or 14 bags of tomatoes, most of which were cored and scored.

The first step was to peel them all, a process that went quite smoothly, just running the frozen tomatoes under water and the skins all but fell off.  The results were this:

and over 2L of tomatoes skins!

Next, it was time to stew all those tomatoes.  All four burners put to work for this part of the project!

I sure used a lot of dishes!  For the peeled tomatoes I had used all my large plastic containers, and for the hot stewed tomatoes I rummaged through my cupboards for anything glass or metal - it is almost surprising how many I have!

All in all, I think it came to be about 27L of stewed tomatoes, of which about 19 went back into the freezer for a future day.

The remaining 8L were combined with this:

To produce this - yummy spaghetti sauce!

And to make sure I'm not painting an overly rosy picture...check out this dirty stove.  This was after I had half-cleaned it at least once.  The pans are so full that they spill over so easily when stirring!

We had spaghetti for supper that was good but I had had enough of spaghetti and tomatoes by that time of day, so I will enjoy it more another time, as there's many spaghetti meals in the freezer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job, Karen! That sauce looks so yummy! I'm not nearly as orgainized......I just leave my tomatoes in the freezer until I'm making something that needs spag sauce and then I just dump them in with the fried meat. I take off the skins as the separate, spice things up, add anything else I want to add, and, voila :) Nothing tastes as good!