Saturday, July 13, 2013


On Friday night, Robert and I went to a local conservation area for a night of camping.  I've been aching to go, so off we went!  We packed up in Rob's pickup - even for one night of camping, you sure need a lot of stuff.  I may or may not have a tendency to over-pack.

We had a good time, it was nice to getaway even for such a short time, to have a campfire, to just be outside.  I love camping!

(Don't you all take a dehumidifier with you?)

Our campsite...we hadn't used our tent in quite a long time, it is bigger than I remembered. 

This morning, we went for a walk, there was a lookout over looking the lake.

And some trees that had been much attacked by woodpeckers!  Some of these holes were pretty big!

We had to be off our campsite by 1:00, so we next went to my parents place, where it was a busy afternoon.  We took a load of stuff to the dump for my parents.   (Including the dehumidifier - it hadn't actually come camping with us, we'd dropped it off at my parents' already on Friday night.)  My Dad is working on building a new shed, so my brother helped with that, and there was also a pressure washer on the premises, so it was put to use as well, cleaning patio stones.

To finish off our day, we brought home my parents' camper trailer, we have more camping planned for this summer!

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