Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Photo Scavenger

Good evening all!  (Or morning/afternoon depending on when you're reading this).  I'm back with this week's Photo Scavenger Hunt.  The clues for this week are:

1) Something smaller than my thumb
2) Something borrowed
3) The 92nd page of any book

Here are my entries.

Something smaller than my thumb - breakfast!  Well, a small part of breakfast, anyways.  By the way, photographing one's own thumb is easier said than done (at least for me).  Said digit looked quite frightening on some of the pictures!

2) Something borrowed - the DVD set of Season One of Sue Thomas F.B.I Eye.  My friend Geraldine lent these to me, I've been watching them during my endeavours to get more exercise into my life.  I've been quite enjoying the shows, AND spending some time on a somewhat regular basis on the elliptical.  I'm almost done this set of DVD's though - does anyone have any recommendations?  It is a lot easier to put in 20 or 30 minutes on an exercise machine when I'm not bored out of my tree!

3) The 92nd page of any book.  The book I chose was the devotional I'm using for 2012:  Holiness Day by Day by Jerry Bridges.  Thirty-one days into the year, I highly recommend the book.  Seeing as page 92 is from Week 15, I haven't read that particular devotion yet.

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