Friday, March 11, 2011

Gratitude Friday

Let me tell you, I am mighty thankful for our sump pump this week.  Yes, I even have a picture of it for you.  I just know how thrilled you all will be with that :).

I may or may not have removed some of the dust bunnies on/around it before snapping the picture.

This little thing has been working very hard over the last few days.  Every few minutes it throws some water outside.  Which is of course, much preferrable to have it bubble up out of that hole and across the basement.  It is a rather noisy little device though, so we are well aware of all its exertions.  The benefit to that is that we know it is working!

In other good news, I found my gloves!  I misplaced them about a month ago - just some black fuzzy gloves, but I couldn't figure out how I could have lost them.  However, last night I found them amid my sweaters in the closet.  Seeing as snow is still falling these days, I am glad to use them again (although I had found other pairs to use in the meantime).

Now, that was just utterly fascinating for you all, wasn't it?  A sump pump and lost-but-now-found gloves...

Hope y'all had a great Friday!

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