Tuesday, November 9, 2010


What a great blessing it is to have Pastor B. as our pastor at LW!  God has given him great gifts in preaching the Word.  Sermons like this one or this one.  Or this one.  Or this one.   Actually, just go here for the whole list!

Why are we so blessed?  Good question.  Certainly not deserved.  A few of us were discussing this on Sunday, after another gospel-filled, Christ-centered sermon.  So blessed.  Yet we talked about how with these great blessings comes great responsibility.  Responsibility to not take this for granted.  Responsibility to learn, and to grow from what we hear.   Responsibility to share the marvelous news of the gospel.  Responsibility to keep our dear Pastor in prayer.  Responsibility to remember he is a man, in need of Saviour like everyone else, and not to be set on a pedestal.   Responsibility to be thankful to God.  Responsibility to remember that all the glory and honour is to the great Triune God.

Yes, to God be the honour, to God be the glory!   For many reasons, but I have three today.  First of all, because He is God.  Secondly, because He sent His son, so that there IS a gospel message that can be preached.  Thirdly, because He has given Pastor B great gifts in expounding that precious gospel.

Praise You, oh Lord I will praise You!
My voice will join the chorus
That all creation sings
Praise You, oh Lord I will praise You!
My Master, my Redeemer, my Savior and King

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