Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuna Noodle Casserole

I've been making this meal so often lately, that I thought I would share the recipe. It is so easy, and we really like it. Y'all probably have your own version of this recipe already, so then maybe this blog post can just remind you that you haven't made it for awhile :)

Here's what you need:

1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can tuna
1/2 cup sour cream
8 oz uncooked noodles (~1 1/2 cups)
3 tbsp bread crumbs (I use 2 tbsp plain, 1 tbsp Italian seasoned)
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper

Preheat oven to 350F.
Cook the noodles according to package directions.
While that is happening, mix the mushroom soup, tuna (drained), sour cream, salt & pepper.

Endure the cat's meowing while you're opening the cans.  She gets quiet in a hurry when you give her the tuna can to lick out :)

When the noodles are ready, drain, and add to the mushroom soup mixture.

Top with the bread crumbs.

Bake for 30 minutes.  Or if you're in a real hurry, 10 or 15 minutes.  Hopefully you did remember to pre-heat the oven then!

Serve & enjoy!

I find this dish so easy to prepare!  I can have the sauce all prepared while waiting for the noodle water to boil and the noodles to cook, with time to spare.  There's very little cleanup from the preparation, and once it is in the oven, you have 30 minutes to make a salad if you're feeling ambitious.  Or open some canned vegetables and heat them in the microwave if you're not feeling ambitious.  Or do neither if you have negative ambition :)

The original recipe called for 2 cups of cooked noodles. I don't know if 8 oz of uncooked noodles comes out to 2 cups, I've never measured that.  We normally do eat the entire dish, so it is not a large recipe. The original recipe also called for 1/2 cup milk, but I've never added that, as it would be very soupy then.  I think that milk would be a good way to stretch the soup/sour cream if you wanted to nourish more than 2 people :)I have substituted 1/4 cup milk for the 1/2 cup sour cream when there was no sour cream to be found. 
So, nothing fancy at all, but Rob and I both really like it.  So far I'm only making it once a week ;)


Jacinda Vandenberg said...

If my hubby liked tuna, I'd be making this at least as often as you do. :-)

Rich and Cher said...

Hi Karen! Do you think canned salmon would work, too? We were given an abundance of canned salmon and only Rich likes it on sandwiches, so I'm looking for another way to serve it. Your dish looks very appetizing! Maybe you could bring it for games night.......maybe not.....;)

Jonathan and Denise said...

Ahhh Karen. One of my favorites too!! Though I can't say the same for Jonathan . . . though he always likes to tell me that "he'll eat anything!" I have to remind him of that when he scrinkles up his nose when he sees my tuna casserole on the table. My kids like it too . . . so we win - though I can't get away with eating it once a week:)

Karen said...

Thanks for all the comments!

Cher, I think it would would just fine with salmon - why not?

Jacinda, maybe you can try it with salmon? Or even some cooked diced chicken? Although chicken would be more work, unless you happen to have cooked, diced chicken on hand (which I almost never do!)