Saturday, May 29, 2010

In Our New House...with Internet!

We are in our new house! It has been a busy week, but we are in our new house. We slept here last night in a nearly empty house, and now we are all moved in. Lots of boxes to unpack yet, but we are here.  Rob has just gotten the internet setup. I'll do more posts with some pictures another day...we are both rather tired!


Lisa said...

woot all moved in! looking forward to pics. maybe i can stay in your new guest bedroom in october!!!

Marlies said...

Yay, so exciting!!! Looking forward to some pictures too!

Rich and Cher said...

Hurray! I could hear the relief in Rob's voice, and also the tiredness on Sunday evening! At least you're this far - "just" the setting up to do now. I'm trying to think of a way to practically help you out.....I'm come up with something! I ditto the request for pictures :)