Friday, January 8, 2010

Gratitude Friday

I have been thinking this week that I haven't blogged in a little while, and I wasn't sure how to rectify that situation, as I wasn't sure what to write about.  The thought came to mind that I could do a Gratitude Friday post, but I discarded that idea because I didn't have anything to write about under that heading either.  Yes, I discarded that idea because I didn't have anything to write about under that heading either.  It wasn't until a day later that I realized the magnitude of that thought, exactly how untrue that was, and even worse, how ungrateful, how sinful that is.  How could I think that I had nothing to write about, nothing to be thankful for? 

OF COURSE there are things to be thankful for!  Perhaps nothing particular exciting or noteworthy has happened in the last week.  But does that mean I have nothing to be thankful for?  Absolutely not!  I've had a roof over my head (and heat in the house!).  I've had food, I've travelled many miles in the car in safety, we've just celebrated Christmas, Lisa was home for two weeks, I had two weeks off work, and now am able to go back work, Rob has work, we'll be celebrating our anniversary soon, the list could go on.    And that list is all about earthly things.  We've also had the opportunity to worship God, we had an excellent discussion at Bible Study this week, and we have the God-given gift of Jesus Christ - our Saviour.  And I thought I had nothing to be thankful for?!?

I'm reading a book entitled "Choosing Gratitude - Your Journey to Joy" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  In the chapter I've just read she really emphasizes the heinousness of ingratitude, and what a fountain of sins can come from the sin of ingratitude.

"It really is surprising how easily ingratitude can worm its way into our habit patterns.
But actually, it shouldn't be a surprise at all, because ingratitude is the taproot out of which grows a host of other sins.  And if we don't put the axe to that root, we provide Satan with a wide, vacant lot on which to set up his little shop of horrors in our hearts.
Do you think I might be overstating the case a bit?"  (page 51-52 of DeMoss' book).

She then goes on to reference Romans 1:21:  "because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened."  I quote again (page 52): "That seemingly insignificant, innocuous matter of ingratitude turns out to be at the fountainhead of all the other evils listed in this chapter!".  Nancy Leigh DeMoss also references 2 Timothy 3:1-5, where ungratefulness is listed among a myriad of other sins.

I found that convicting, to say the least.

So, why am I writing this?  Because I've now figured out gratitude?  Anything but!  I find for myself, that it is all to easy, when blogging, to paint a rose-coloured picture about myself and my life.  I'm not intending to share all my dirty laundry (believe you me, you don't want to see it), but I do want to attempt to portray a little more realism in some of my blog posts.   I think it would be all too easy to come across as "holier-than-thou", especially in some of my Gratitude Friday posts, and that is certainly not my intention - and even if it was my intention, I have absolutely no justification for that.  My heavenly Father is showing me some of the depth of the roots of my ingratitude - it ain't pretty - but I am THANKFUL that He is doing so.  And even MORE THANKFUL that there is forgiveness in Jesus, for this sin too, and for His promise of the Spirit to guide me, and to change me, in the fighting of this sin.

It is so easy to say "thank you", even to God, but to really BE thankful - that's hard.  Praise God, that He is the all-powerful God, and can work wonders in hearts, even such as mine. 

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!"  Psalm 118:1


Steve and Jo said...

AMEN!! Thanks for giving me something to think on today while I am working (and maybe grumbling) around the house. It is so easy to feel dissatisfied with the little things in our lives. But how sinful that is after knowing how much Christ has done for us! Thanks for that good reminder!

Lisa said...

so, not having a post turned into a post! funny how that works.