Monday, September 21, 2009

Rock Lake Lodge 2009

Rob and I spent last week at Rock Lake Lodge with some of the A. family.  It was really too bad that Steve & Jo and family couldn't come for even a few days.  However, we still managed to have a good time without them...

Rob and I arrived late Friday evening, but not so late that everyone else had gone to bed...they were still sitting around the campfire.  The first adventure was unpacking the car into the cabin...turning the cabin lights on attracted the bats, or perhaps attracted the bugs who in turn attracted the bats...but either way I had a bat swoop within a foot of my head...TWICE!  Rob says he's never heard me scream like that before...after that I stayed indoors and worked on putting things away inside rather than getting them out of the car.

The weather for the first few days was gorgeous.  Not hot, but warm and sunny.  Great for sitting on the deck, reading, talking, and swimming for the brave.  Then on Tuesday and Wednesday it turned much colder.  On Wednesday morning, this was the temperature INSIDE our cabin:

Although there is a woodstove in the Woodpecker Cabin, we didn't use it, as we really spent very little time in there. Rich & Cher had brought along a couple space heaters, so they lent us one of those - thank you! -  and we used that for a few hours on Wednesday and Thursday mornings to heat the cabin enough to get out of bed!

This was the temperature Wednesday night outside, when we were heading to our flannel-sheeted bed!  I was so glad I had had the idea to bring along our flannel sheets!

On Sunday morning after church,  some of us enjoyed a few chips for a snack.  Yvetta really did like them...but accepting one from Uncle Rob...well, that was something else altogether!  It took her several minutes to slowly reach out her hand to take this single chip:

There!  Now I can eat it!

It seems to be somewhat of a Rock Lake Lodge tradition...and not just for the A. family, to take some family and/or group shots after church on Sunday morning.  I was a little slow in getting out the camera, so I only have these two to share.

On Tuesday, since it was certainly not a day for sitting on the porch reading, we decided to go for a hike on some of the nearby trails.  First we went down an old rail trail, and then later to Eagle's Nest lookout, which overlooks Bancroft.

Rich and Cher found an old stroller in one of the deeper recesses of the had certainly seen better days!  Note if you would, the black pipe Rich used to 'repair' the stroller.  However, Yvetta didn't seem to mind in the least, and managed to have her afternoon nap while we walked along.

The repair job needed some fine-tuning mid-walk, so men of all ages contributed to the effort...

And Grandpa pulled Yvetta the rest of the way back to the van.

Mom & Dad taking a rest as some of the kids played on a playground.

Eagle's Nest, the lookout over Bancroft.

Luke, Laura, Caleb & Corin all spent some time fishing and frog-chasing.  Come to think of it, Yvetta also did some frog-chasing too!   Here is one of their 'victims', he was regulated to a canoe-arium for the day!

I'm not sure which of our nephews caught this fish but as I was the only one with a camera on hand, I was asked to photograph this fish, and now here it is on a blog for you!

Here's some more pictures in no particular order.

I think that everytime we've been to Rock Lake Lodge, sometime during the week is Laura's birthday.  This year it was on Thursday, but since Rob and I left on Thursday morning, the celebration was on Wednesday night.  Cher & Laura prepared a delicious supper and dessert for us all, and made things festive!

The birthday girl!

The lovely fall colours were just beginning to show.  There was still so much green, but you know it is going to turn such beautiful colours...I felt a little like I was being teased by the few leaves and trees that had changed already!

And, to wrap things up, a few pictures of the lodge.  Notice the smoke coming from the chimney here...Rich kept a fire burning the last few days we were there.

It was fun, good times, and a blessing to spend nearly a week together with the A's!  Rob and I left Thursday morning, but those adventures will be another blog post.


Rich and Cher said...

Oh - what beautiful pics, Karen! I so enjoyed our time together....sigh - it really feels like summer is over now. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, though :)

Steve and Jo said...

Your pictures are so nice Karen! I especially liked the one of Luke. We would have loved to come up and join you all, especially after seeing all the pictures. But we are just really thankful that we didn't have van troubles on the way up. Looks like you all had a great time without us, I am sure it was a whole lot quieter:)