Wednesday, September 23, 2009


You may recall how back in January, in this post, I told the story of two flat tires about two weeks apart.  Well, this definitely seems to the Year of the Flat Tire, as today I had another flat tire, and I also had a flat tire in July that I neglected to inform you all!

Back in July, Rob noticed I had a flat tire, so I soon trotted off to Canadian Tire again to get it fixed.  Rob did pump it up though, so went I arrived at Canadian Tire, it did not look flat.  I went before work, and in short order they sent me on my way.  In short order, since all they did was pump it up but they didn't tell me that, just sent me on my way.  Later that week, I had my car rust-proofed and the technician there told me my tire was flat.  He kindly pumped it up for me, as I told him it has just been repaired a few days earlier, and went promptly BACK to Canadian Tire.  This time, it seems they actually looked for a hole, and found one, in the 'side wall', which mandated a new tire.  Ok, fine.  Now I have two new tires and two old tires.  And my car is still working on keeping me poor.

Fast forward to today.  I went out at lunch to Wal-mart, and as I walked back to my car, I stopped in great dismay, noticing a tire was flat.  Again.  For the fourth time this year.  Fifth actually, if you count the fact that CTC didn't fix it the first time back in July.  Let's just say I wasn't thrilled.  :)

I went back to work, and called Canadian Tire (this time the one near work instead of the one near home).  I was able to get an appointment for 4:00.  Around 2:30 I thought I'd better have a look at the tire, see if it was any flatter.  It was.  It looked VERY flat to me.  I wasn't sure it was driveable, even for only the few km's to Canadian Tire.  Thankfully I work with a couple guys who love working on and fixing cars, so I asked Mike to please come look at my tire - would it get me to Canadian Tire?  "I wouldn't drive on that tire" he said, "but I have a compressor in my van, what time is your appointment?"  So, at 3:45 Mike pumped up my tire and I hastened over to Canadian Tire.  (Thank you Mike!)  This time I explained that I had just had the tire pumped up so I could make the drive over.  Half an hour later, the guy came over with a new souvenir for me:

So, 4 flat tires (so far) this year.  Two blue screws.  Two new tires.  Oh, and the flat today?  Yeah, it was in the newest tire, the tire just replaced in July!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

grrrrrr that's so annoying that the older tires won't go flat! well, there is still more time, 2009 isn't over yet! :-)