Saturday, September 13, 2008

Painting the Kitchen Red

Yesterday, I spent the day at my parents', and Mom and I made lots of stewed tomatoes, two pots of spaghetti, and a batch of salsa. It was a very busy day, but we had fun, and we have plenty to show for our efforts!

We got off to a very early start, since Rob dropped me off on his way to work. Rob's car had to go to the shop so I was car-less for the day, but that did not matter.

This is a picture Lisa took a week ago, of all the tomatoes - laid out and ripening for the big day.

When I arrived at Mom & Dad's yesterday, I was greeted by the sight of these enormous peppers and onions!

Here's Rob holding one, to give you a better idea of how big they are!

The first pile of tomatoes - we would boil them briefly, then peel and quarter, before stewing them.

Now, note if you would, the time on this clock:

Yes, not even 10:00 in the morning and by that time, we had these 4 pans cooking,

tomatoes diced for the salsa, along with onions and peppers,

plus two more bowls of tomatoes ready to be cooked, but we didn't have empty pans or room on the stove!

There are benefits to starting early! :)

Once the first batch of tomatoes had finished cooking, we started on the second batch - an even bigger pile!

Just a small sampling of our finished product...

By the end of the day, Mom and I had finished two pots of spaghetti, over two hundred cups of stewed tomatoes, and a batch of salsa. (Mom had stewed the tomatoes for one pot of spaghetti the night before). I had also made a trip out to pick up my Oma, who stayed for supper, as did Rob and I. You'll never guess what we had for supper...spaghetti! It was very good if I do say so myself. We had to try the salsa too, it was the first time Mom had ever tried that. (The whole day was full of firsts for me...)

I was quite tired when I went home, and Rob and I were home by 7:00 as Dad & Mom and Oma went out.

However, my work was not yet done. Today, it was our turn to cook for the blessing center, and I wanted to brown the ground beef last night. So, out came the frying pans. (My soup pans were full of tomatoes).

Then, this morning, in addition making a vast amount of chili, I made two more pots of spaghetti, using the tomatoes we had stewed yesterday. Thankfully, Mom & I had time yesterday to chop the onions and other veggies for these two batches of spaghetti, that saved a lot of time.

After all, I still had plenty of chopping to do to make chili for the Blessing Center. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture with the lid off, so this is all I have. It was a lot of chili - 6 lbs of ground beef, 8 large cans of tomatoes, plus everything else you put into chili. And we didn't bring a drop home!

Tonight, I'm really tired - the better part of two days on my feet, I'm just not used to that! But there are now many bags of spaghetti sauce in our freezer, ready for an easy meal throughout the winter. Thanks Mom - I really enjoyed yesterday! And my tiredness is another reason for me to be thankful that tomorrow is the Lord's Day - a day of rest, and a day of worship. Thanks be to our great God for the gift of family, the gift of food in abundance, and the opportunity to worship Him and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

can you email me that picture of the vegetables on the drying rack thing?